Sailpoint IIQ introduction

Sailpoint IdentityIQ is the identity management software from sailpoint and currently it is the market leader . It is easy to learn and it is rich of out of the box features.

Sailpoint IdentityIQ has four major components 

*Compliance Manager
*Lifecycle Manager
*Governance Platform
*Integration Modules

Compliance Manager

Compliance manager automates features like common auditing, reporting and management activities. 
Two important features of compliance manager is Access certification and Policy enforcement. Compliance Manager helps to prioritize the most critical compliance activities and focuses controls on the users, resources and access privileges that represent the greatest potential risk.

              Access recertification is an IT control that involves auditing user access privileges to determine if they are correct and adhere to the organization's internal policies and compliance regulations.

             Policy enforcement is the preventive and detective controls that automatically ensure that defined policy is followed by the organization.

Lifecycle Manager

Lifecycle Manager allows business users to easily request access and reset passwords themselves from a centralized, business-friendly interface. By applying policy to all user lifecycle processes, IdentityIQ Lifecycle Manager ensures users acquire only the most appropriate levels of access for their job function.

Governance Platform

Allows organizations to build a single preventive and detective control model that supports all identity business processes, across all applications-in the datacenter and the cloud, maximizing investment and eliminating the need to buy and integrate multiple products.

Integration Modules

Enrich and speed delivery of IAM services through expanded integration with IT management and security tools. Out-of-thebox integration is provided for third-party provisioning systems, IT service management solutions, mobile device management systems and IT security tools.

Please check this official document for more information.

Next Sailpoint IIQ installation Part I

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